Did you know that over 80% of people will trust reviews as much as they trust their friends? Negative reviews can have people fleeing from your website, and having no reviews leaves people unable to figure out if you are trustworthy. Reputation management for dentists is so important if you want to bring in more leads from online marketing.

Please keep reading to learn more about online reputation management. If you want to learn more about how you can improve your website’s performance, you can request your free website checkup today.

Importance of Reputation Management for Dentists

You should have online reputation management as a service in your marketing plan for many reasons. In the following sections, we break down the benefits of managing your online reviews. Please keep reading to find out how you can improve your reputation.

Gather Reviews from Patients

How many times have you had a patient leave happy with their visit? Odds are it’s a lot more often than you get a positive review online.

Reputation management for dentists is improved by encouraging your patients to leave positive reviews. You will find that people with negative experiences are more likely to leave reviews. You don’t want these to be prominently featured when people search for you online, and they don’t likely represent the majority experience of your patients.

Sending follow-up emails to your patients with a link to quickly access a space to leave a review is going to boost your positive reviews, thereby improving your online reputation. Help your patients who love you find a space to sing your praises.

Monitor Your Reviews

It is so important to monitor your online reviews. Keeping track of your reviews and providing responses is vital, and you can leave replies to positive and negative reviews alike.

You can show how much you care about and appreciate patients who leave positive reviews. You can also leave responses to negative reviews offering solutions.

Adding responses to negative reviews may encourage these patients to reach out to you to fix the problems that they had. They may even end up taking down their negative review.

When potential leads see that you respond to reviews and offer solutions, this can help your online reputation.

Manage Your Reviews

Did you know that people leave fake reviews for businesses that they have never even stepped foot into? Sometimes, this is just an error that someone made by leaving a real review but for the wrong business. In other cases, it is done to hurt your reputation on purpose.

In both cases, we want to be able to monitor these reviews to take them down. If it was a mistake, we could reach out to the reviewer themselves to have them take it down to be placed on the correct business. We can take the necessary steps for fraudulent reviews to be removed.

What If I Don’t Have Reputation Management?

Without having reputation management for dentists, practices can see a decrease in client leads. There are plenty of opportunities for competing dental practices to leave fake negative reviews.

You risk having unmanaged negative reviews ruin your reputation with potential leads. You may have hundreds of happy patients leave your office, but the handful of bad reviews that show up for your practice can sink your potential.

We strongly recommend having this service added to your marketing program.

Request Your Free Website Checkup

If you would like to gain powerful insight into your website, we can provide you with your free website checkup.

You may not know what is wrong with your website if you are not experienced in web design, SEO, digital marketing, etc. Perhaps you have a vague idea of what you are missing but don’t know how to execute changes.

We can tell a story by looking at your website’s data. There is a ton of information waiting for you to discover and leverage to improve your website’s productivity and profit.

To uncover your website’s full potential, please reach out to receive your free website checkup from our senior dental marketing consultant.

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